Saturday's Sky Bet League Two fixture against Wrexham is sold out!
No tickets are available to purchase in the home end, away end or hospitality for the clash at The Peninsula Stadium, please do not travel to the game without a valid match ticket or Salford 2023-24 season ticket.
Ticket checks will be in place at The Peninsula Stadium so please have relevant ID and don't be offended if asked for proof of address or concession.
If you haven't been able to get a ticket there are still ways to follow the action. For supporters in the UK there is live match commentary available for £2.50, or if you are abroad a Match Pass to watch the game live is available for £10.
To listen or watch online or on the app, you need a website account. Once signed in online head to the Match Centre for the game and check the subscription options available in your location, then tune in when coverage starts from approximately 2:55pm.
Please read the Terms & Conditions before purchasing a pass and for troubleshooting. Please note the old site is no longer in use.
Thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing you on Saturday!